EPISODE 0049 | Go Forward
Have you ever felt stuck between a rock and a hard place, unsure of what to do next? In today's episode, Pastor Stephen unpacks the final instruction given to the Israelites: "Go Forward." After learning to stand still and hold their peace, it was time for action. But stepping out in faith can feel daunting, especially when circumstances don’t make sense. Learn how to overcome the paralysis of fear and uncertainty, and discover the power of stepping out in faith when God calls.
EPISODE 0047 | Faith, Politics, & the Fight for Biblical Values with Pastor Andrew Sedra
Are you struggling to stay grounded in your faith during uncertain times? In today’s episode, Pastor Stephen challenges us to embrace the command to “stand still” from Exodus 14. As the Israelites faced impossible odds, God called them to stand firm in faith—and we can do the same. Discover how standing in faith can lead to seeing God’s victory in your life, even when the odds seem overwhelming.
EPISODE 0046 | Stand Still
Are you struggling to stay grounded in your faith during uncertain times? In today’s episode, Pastor Stephen challenges us to embrace the command to “stand still” from Exodus 14. As the Israelites faced impossible odds, God called them to stand firm in faith—and we can do the same. Discover how standing in faith can lead to seeing God’s victory in your life, even when the odds seem overwhelming.
EPISODE 0045 | Fear Not
Fear can distort our perspective, weaken our faith, and steal our joy. How can we rise above fear and embrace a life of bold faith? In today’s episode, Pastor Stephen shows us practical ways to replace fear with faith and trust God in times of uncertainty. Tune in to discover how living with a mindset of faith can transform your outlook and strengthen your walk with Christ.